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Cabeceiras de Basto’s history is intrinsically tied to the brave and courageous warrior Hermígio Romarigues. A man who became a symbol of the willpower and dynamism of the people of Cabeceiras, who defended the Refojos Monastery against the attack of the moors. The monk-warrior pointed towards the bridge that lead to the monastery and guaranteed: “until there, for S. Miguel! Until there, I’m enough (“basto eu”)”. And this way the attack of the unfaithful was repelled and a legend was created around this man, whose statue “O Basto” can be found in the village’s centre. In itself, the municipality offers numerous tourist attractions: tasty gastronomy, where kid from the Minho mountains and cabbage with beans will open up anyone’s appetite; handcraft that is worth preserving, namely basketry, wood clogs, linen and wool weavery; the beautiful natural landscape that characterizes the green land of Bastos, as well as a historical legacy that will enrich and dignify any visitor.



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