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Edified Heritage

Melgaço Castle: MN, from the old medieval fortification, only the Keep (Museum space) and part of the 12th century fortress are left. Endured construction during the 17th century. Fortress Wall: MN, 13th century structure. Carvalhiças Convent: or Nossa Senhora da Conceição Convent, this 18th century monument once belonged to the Order of St. Francis. Parish Church or Church of Santa Maria da Porta: romanesque temple, the actual layout result from the various restorations. Misericórdia Church or Church of Santa Maria do Campo: romanesque temple from the 13th century. N. Sra. da Orada Chapel: MN, of late romanesque construction displays some gothic elements. S. Julião Chapel: IIP, small gothic temple, with probable romanesque origins, that belonged to an old medieval leper hospital. In front of it, the S. Julião Transept: sixteenth century, of late gothic feature, is classified as MN. Quinta da Calçada House: IIP, 17th century house, underwent some modifications during the 19th century. Fountain of São João: 18th century.

Castro Laboreiro Castle: MN, today only some traces of the old medieval fortification are left. Fieiral Rock Engravings and the Megalithic Necropolis of the Plateau of Castro Laboreiro such as the Assureira Bridge (of medieval aspect, was built over the old roman bridge that once existed there), S. Brás Chapel (a recent construction) and watermill east of the bridge: IIP, all of which are situated in Castro Laboreiro. Also worthy of mention is the Santa Maria da Visitação Church (mother church, IIP, pre-romanic temple, 9th century), Castro Laboreiro Pillory (IIP), the New Bridge or Cava Velha (MN, roman structure, adapted during the Medieval Age, IIP, of roman construction), Caínheiras Bridge (IIP, of roman construction), bridges of Dorna and Varziela (IIP, both of medieval construction) all in Castro Laboreiro. Paderne Convent: IIP, located in the parish with the same name, its foundation is attributed to D. Paterna, in the 11th century. Paderne Church: a romanesque temple from the 12th century, that has sustained many alterations. Fiães Church: the MN classification includes all the existing elements of the old monastery. The church has a romanesque structure with gothic elements and experienced many changes during the 17th century. Parish Church of Chaviães or Church of Santa Maria Madalena: of romanesque construction, some 16th century frescos are worth seeing. S. Gregório Stone Cross: MN, in the parish of Cristoval, probably from the 16th or 17th century. Peso Thermal Park: located in Paderne, recently restored, this is a place of great patrimonial interest, constituted by the main water source, the bath house and the new water source.
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